1. When overhauling the engine, replace all gaskets, seals and O-rings. All gasket surfaces, oil seal lips and O-rings must be cleaned.
2. During reassembly, properly oil all mating parts and bearings and lubricate the oil seal lips with grease.
Installing the throttle body
1. Install:
Throttle body joint clamps
Align the projections "a" on the throttle body joint
with the slot "b" in each throttle body joint clamp.
2. Install:
Throttle body joint
Align the projection "a" on the throttle body joint
with the slot "b" in the intake mani ...
Assembling the main axle and drive axle
1. Install:
Toothed washer "1"
Circlip "2"
Be sure to install the circlip so that its sharp
edge "a" is facing away from the toothed washer
and gear.
Be sure the circlip ends "b" are positioned at
the axle spline groove "c".
2. Install:
2nd pinion gear "1"
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Bleeding the hydraulic brake system
WARNINGBleed the hydraulic brake system whenever:
the system is disassembled.
a brake hose is loosened, disconnected or
the brake fluid level is very low.
brake operation is faulty.
Be careful not to spill any brake fluid or allow
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