1. Check:
a. Check the decompression system with the camshaft sprocket and the decompression cam installed to the camshaft.
b. Check that the decompression lever "1" moves smoothly.
c. Without operating the decompression lever, check that the decompression cam "2" projects from the camshaft (exhaust cam) as shown in the illustration "A".
d. Move the decompression lever "1" in the direction of the arrow shown and check that the decompression cam does not project from the camshaft (exhaust cam) as shown in the illustration "B".
Checking the clutch boss
1. Check:
Clutch boss splines
Damage/pitting/wear Replace the
Pitting on the clutch boss splines will cause erratic
clutch operation.
Checking the pressure plate
1. Check:
Pressure plate
Cracks/damage Replace.
Checking the clutch push lever and short clutch push ...
Checking the coolant temperature sensor
1. Remove:
Coolant temperature sensor
Handle the coolant temperature sensor
with special care.
Never subject the coolant temperature sensor
to strong shocks. If the coolant temperature
sensor is dropped, replace it.
2. Check:
Coolant temper ...
Checking and replacing the rear wheel sprocket
1. Check:
Rear wheel sprocket
More than 1/4 tooth "a" wear
Replace the
rear wheel sprocket.
Bent teeth Replace the rear
wheel sprocket.
b. Correct
1. Drive chain roller
2. Rear wheel sprocket
2. Replace:
Rear wheel sprocket
a. Remove the self-locking nuts and the ...